Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Hallo and Herzlich Willkommen

Hello and welcome to my new blog. So, in typical efficient German manner, lets get this baby started:

1. What will this blog be about?

Mostly football. I'm mostly a BVB fan, and even used to blog about them for The Offside. I am however interested in a lot of other stuff too: international football, womens football, footbal in other countries, other sports. One thing I disliked about the Offside blog was that it was so restrictive in the topics, now I can ramble on about football as I please...

I'm also greatly intrested in both the economics and the politics behind football. Just don't expect 1000 word abstracts about tactics from me...

2. What language will the blog be in?

Some English, some German, mostly Denglish.

3. Who are you?

Short bio: Student, Bavaria, Football Fan

So then, to a good and productive blogship...

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